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Concentration is a virtue

Every morning Guru Nanak used to take a long walk to a river along with his friend Mardana. They meditated together after they had their bath. One day Guru Nanak vanished in the river while taking a bath. Mardana got worried and called Guru Nanak's sister, they both looked for him every where but to no avail. Everyone was very sad thinking that Guru Nanak has drowned. Three days later people saw Guru Nanak sitting under a tree in the village common muttering Ek Onkar, Satnam, Karta Purkh, Nirbho, Nirvar, Akal Murat, Ajuni sahbung, Gurparsad. They were all amazed, where has he been? What is he whispering? But no one dare ask the Guru.

Mardana with a soft voice asked "Oh, my true Guru where have you been all this time". These words of Mardana brought smile on Guru's face. "My dear Mardana", said Guru Nanak I was summoned in the court of our master the God. He gave the Mool Mantar and said there is no Hindu and there is no Muslman. “What no Hindu, no Muslman” said Mardana. Ha Ha very funny. Who do you think I am then? "Well Mardana my good friend" replied the Guru.  The problem we have is that we think ourselves as Hindu and Muslim first and last. But what we have forgotten that we are human first and something else after. We are all children of one God. So there is no Hindu no Muslim.

Fine! Then you should have no trouble to come and pray with us in the Mosque said the Mullah (Muslim priest). "No not at all" said the Guru.  I will be too pleased to come along and pray with you. So Guru went along with them to pray. When all the Muslims were praying Guru stood still with folded arms. When they completed their prayers. Dault Khan the governor was very angry with Guru Nanak. If you did not want join with us for a prayer. Why did you come here? Have you come here to insult us? "No, no, Dault Khan" said the Guru. "Why didn't you join us", asked Daulat Khan? I could not find any one in the mosque replied the Guru. "Huh do you think, we for a fools? Can't you see all these people here? Are you blind?"Said Dault Khan.

"Yes sir, your body is here but your mind is away from the prayer mat in Kabul buying horses" said Guru Nanak. So how could I join in prayer with you? Dault Khan was amazed to hear the truth as his mind was truly away in the horse market of Kabul. The priest said " Oh Guru, why didn't you pray with me? I was here. "I don't think so" said the Guru, you was at your home because you forgot to tie your mare. In you your back yard there is a open well and you was thinking that the mare might fall in the well. The priest didn't know what to say next because the Guru was telling the truth. This incident surprised every one present. They thought Guru was truly a holy man to know all this information.

Guru Nanak said "dear Dault Khan words alone don not make prayer. The prayer should come from one's heart and I would love to join such a prayer.

Dault Khan was very pleased with the explanation provided by the Guru. He promised that from now onwards I would make sure that the prayer comes his heart.

The Guru said to his Sikhs that no matter what you do in your life you must concentrate. The key to success is the concentration.

" By wearing sacred thread one does not become a Hindu. By just saying Namaz (prayer) one does not become Muslim. The action alone will speak in the court of God. Without good deeds no one will find the path of true lord." (Guru Nanak)

"Regard all human as equal, since God's light is contained in every sole."(Guru Nanak)