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A Sikh place of worship is called "Gurdwara". Word Gurdwara is made of two words Gur meaning Guru and Dwara meaning doorway. Hence door way to the Guru. Some Sikhs will also call it a house of a Guru because at present time Guru for a Sikh is the Holy Scriptures called Guru Granth Sahib and Guru Granth Sahib resides in every Gurdwara.

A Sikh Gurdwara

The first Gurdwara was built at Kartarpur (now in Pakistan) but at that time they called it a Dharamshala. Dharm meaning religion and shala meaning a school hence School of religion. During the period of Guru Arjan Dev ji these places of worships were renamed 'Gurdwaras'.

Guru Granth Sahib is the centremost attraction and placed on a high stage under a canopy and everyone else sitting on the floor. A Granthi whose main task is to tend to Guru Granth Sahib will be in the attendance with a fan called chauri.

Congregation inside a Sikh Gurdwara

Before entering the prayer hall people will take there shoes off, wash their heads and cover their head with a scarf or a turban People then proceed towards Guru granth Sahib, Place their offering in front of the Guru and will sit down in the congregation. In western countries men and women sit separately But at Harmandar Sahib they can sit any were they choose.

Gurdwara buildings vary in shapes and sizes but the layout of the prayer hall is always very similar. Gurdwaras in Diaspora hold Panjabi language and religious education classes for the community and also act as community centres. Some Gurdwara in United Kingdom are registered to solemnise the marriages.