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Gangu Shah

In the city of Lahore there lived a very successful merchant called Gangu Shah. Then one day his business started to go down hill and he was loosing lot of money. Finally he had to sell all his belongings to make ends meet. All those people who called themselves his friends started to avoid him and even his own family left him because he had no money. His name, which had been respected by many was now treated like dirt. People even used to laugh at him.This very cruel situation taught him that when you are down no one wants to know you and the only support one has is God. He was so depressed that he decided to leave the City of Lahore.

As he was leaving the City, a Sikh who was walking along with him, asked him why was he looking so sad. Ganqu busted in to tears and told him his sad story. The Sikh encouraged Ganqu by saying "it is all part and parcel of our life, we win some and we loose some but our Guru says one should not give up.I am going to Goindwal to see our third Guru Guru Amar Dass ji. He is known to be shelter to the sheiteriess, home for the homeless and a friend for all. I am sure our Guru will help you, come with me. Ganqu had no where to go so he accepted the offer with an open heart."

On arrival at Goindwal Ganqu was told that every body had to sit together and eat Langer(Free kitchen) before Guru Amar Dass would see anybody. Gangu became very upset because he was a high Cast Kshatri and to sit among the lower cast was an insult for him . Gangu had no choice, he wanted to see the Guru so he decided to have a Langer. He met Guru Amar Dass and explained his problem. Guru hugged him and gave him some money with the advice to go to Delhi and re -start his business. He was told to do the business honestly and to share the fruit of his earning the with less fortunate. Ganqu was very pleased and thanked Guru for his help. He praised the Guru, and said "is true what the people say about you, you are truly a home for homeless and shelter for the sheiteriess".

Gangu returned Delhi and with the money given by the Guru he started to buy and sell goods soon he was doing very well. Gangu earned lots of money but this brought back his greed and ego. Now that he was rich he stopped worrying about others.

Mean while a poor needy Brahmin arrived in Goindwal to see Guru Amar Dass with his problem. He bowed before the Guru and said " Oh! True King, I have a daughter who is of an age to be married. But I am so poor, I cannot meet the expenses of the marriage, please help me".

The Guru felt that the Brahmin was really in need. He decided to help him and gave the Brahmin a letter addressed Gangu Shah. In it he asked Gangu to give the needy Brahmin what ever he needed.

Brahmin went back to Delhi and gave the Guru's letter to Gangu. Gangu read the letter and was not very pleased . He thought he had earned all that wealth with his hard work and if he give this Brahmin some help the Guru will send someone else and this would keep on going which will make him poor again. If I refuse to help this Brahmin now then Guru will never send any one on this way again. Thinking this he refused to help the Brahmin and made the Brahmin very sad. The Brahmin returned back to Guru and told him what had happened. The Guru smiled but comforted the Brahmin and said " don't you worry I will help you " and he asked his disciple to give the Brahmin what ever he needed. This made the Brahmin very happy and he retuned back to Delhi to perform.his daughter's marriage.

After some time Gangu's luck turned against him and he started to suffer loss after loss. He became poor again. He realised that he never helped any body therefore no body wanted to help him. Now he understood what Guru meant by earning honest living and sharing the fruits of his earning with the less fortunate.

He went back to Goindwal but didn't have the courage to face the Guru . He started to serve in the Langer and always repeated God's name and the Guru's hymns. The Guru was aware of his presence but never disturbed him Soon the Guru sent for him and Gangu fell on Guru's feet and asked for forgiveness. The Guru picked Ganqu up and gave him a white robe and said " Gangu I know you have learned your lesson now and only by serving in humbleness you have earned yourself this respect, now go and serve humanity. If you will live your life by the golden rules (meditate in God's name, earn honest living and share it with the needy) which were given to us by Guru Nanak Dev ji, you will never come to any harm".

Ganqu bid farewell to the Guru and went back to Lahore. Gangu started to live his life in accordance with the Guru's advice. He earned, shared with others and treated every one with equality. He meditated him self and preached others to do the same. This gave him happiness and peace. It also earned him a name in Sikh History.

"He who eats what he earns through his earnest labour and from his hand gives something in charity (for others to share), he alone, 0 nanak, knows the true way of life." (G.G.S. Page 1245)