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Guru Nanak the store keeper

Guru Nanak was always busy in helping others and spent most of his time singing hymns in the honour of the God almighty. People of low cast were very fond of the Guru because Guru always showed equal respect for them. Guru Nanak would ask them to join in act of praising the Lord. Later Guru Nanak god married to Bibi Sulakhni the daughter of TeJ Bhan. Large number of friends and relatives joined in the celebration of Guru Nanak' wedding.  After some years Guru Nanak had two sons. But Guru still used most of time in meditation and helping the Poor. Mehta Kalu Guru's father was extremely worried about Guru's future. Mehta Kalu was sure that once Guru is married, he would understand and accept the responsibility. Mehta Kalu asked his son-in-law, who was an officer in the governor's office to find a job for Guru Nanak. Guru Nanak was given the job of looking after the food store for the governor of Sultanpur. Guru worked very hard and every one liked him because he was very kind to all. Common people loved him for the help, he often provided. Soon Guru's family joined him at Sultanpur.

One day while serving some wheat, Guru stopped counting at Teran (thirteen) and kept repeating Teran, tera, tera tera. Thinking of God and repeating tera, meaning God every thing is yours. So Guru gave many bowls of wheat away for free. One of Guru's critics saw all this and reported him to the governor. Oh Governor Guru Nanak is giving your food away; soon your store will be empty. The store was immediately closed for stocktaking.  Officers found more groceries and food in the store than there should have been. The officers apologised to the Guru for not trusting him but requested an explanation for the surplus.  Many people thought I was giving away your food but in fact I was giving away my share of the food. Every man should give 10% of their earning for good causes. The poor and needy should be helped and cared for. I always took 90% of my wages and left 10% in the store to share it with the needy. Therefore the surplus food belongs to me please distribute it among the poor.

The Governor was very impressed with the Guru's behaviour and requested him to stay. "No sir" said Guru Nanak, you thought I was dishonest but I am glade that the God has proved me innocent. I cannot stay here any longer, my Lord has another plans for me. Please keep helping and feeding the poor. Their blessings and prayer will help you achieve union with the true Lord (God).

"He who earns by honest means and shares it with the needy, he alone has truly understood the way of God."  Says Nanak.